Thursday we went to park day at Johnson Park in Marble Falls. The weather has been gorgeous. Highs in the 70s, lows in the 40s/50s. It actually feels like spring, which is something of a rarity in Texas. People joke about how we have two seasons in Texas: Summer and something horrible (hurricane or tornado or sleet or pick your other miserable extreme event!). Now don't get me wrong, I love Texas and can't ever imagine leaving. Just wish it wasn't three degrees hotter than hades 9 months of the year!! While the weather's nice, we take advantage of it.
Here's Soren playing on a little playscape
designed just for kidos his size. He could climb the stairs, go through the tube, and down the slide all by himself!
Bella had fun playing, she is such a little monkey of a child! She can climb anything. She loves park day because she gets to see other little girls. As the only girl amongst three brothers she starts feeling like the odd duck out. She's taken to reminding me on a regular basis that she wants a baby sister. Hmmm....

Last but not least, here's Odin looking entirely to grown up. Did you know he's almost 11? Which means that in just two years he'll be 13! And then three years after that he can DRIVE. Just in case I didn't know all this he reminds me almost every day. I get a running list of what Wii games he wants for his birthday too. That birthday that's in three months and counting.... when he'll turn 11... and then in two more years he'll be 13......... Ugh!!!!
1 comment:
You bring me right there Lizbeth. Your writting is incredible. I can't believe Taff, I hesitate to think to ask you about her for fear of her passing, what a lucky little mare. Thank you baby for these tidbits of your life, you are a wonder.
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