My 1 year old hens are laying wonderfully. So, despite what critics say you can have a wonderfully successful 100% free range home layer flock. I have 14 hens and 2 roosters right now. The hens are: Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Americaunas, a Buff Orpington and a Jersey Black Giant. One rooster (Mr. Evil) is in permanent lock up until we get around to butchering him. He kept attacking the kids... so that's the end of him! I'm getting more eggs than we can use, and finally sold some today! First time I've sold any of my home grown goodies!! I'm pretty excited about that. The girls are 100% free range, get scratch grains in the AM and all our household food scraps. They get no commercial feeds, no medicated feeds, no 'yucky stuff'. The eggs are fabulous!

Here are the other babies. I have 6 Black Australorps, 6 Rhode Island Reds, and 4 Barred Rocks. Soren and I changed out their shavings tonight and they had so much fun taking 'dust' baths in the new shavings! Soren LOVES watching the chicks.
Here's my little chicken farmer hamming for the camera. We had a whole discussion tonight about many things chicken related. Such as, the heat lamp right behind him is hot (ouch! he says), the claws on the chicks feet are sharp (ouch! he says), when I catch the chicks at his insistence so he can pet them they squawk up a storm (ouch! he says in sympathy). Ah one year olds, it's amazing how one tracked they are and how well they can make life fit their frame of reference.
Blogging is great and not at all silly. Egocentric? Well, you're not selfish, insensitive or inconsiderate. If someone believes their thoughts, feelings and experiences are unique -- and they're not -- that's egocentrism. I beleive your (you and Kendal) emergent adulthood has produced something unique. I will enjoy hearing and seeing how you're going. So post your ramblings and photos. Good on you Elizabeth!
Liz, How do you introduce new chicks to your flock? We have 4 adult hens, and tried to introduce 2 younger hens only to have one of them... well, pecked to death. It was awful. We put them in the coop to soon... so how do you do it? We currently have the one younger hen in the garage and bring her out to walk around with the adults when we can supervise. Suggestions?
Hi baby. I hatched 10 peacocks in a home made incubator, only problem I had was that they imprinted on me! Imagine half grown peafowl flying and landing on you to greet you because they think your there Mom...not a pretty site as they tend to "dump" upon landing! I gave all of the peahen eggs to my Spanish neighbor. They are HUGE and she loved them. Having bumped into the heat lamp many a time I agree with Soren..."ouch" I guess dirt baths are common amongst all such birds as the peafowl loved to sun and bath in the dirt. I do love birds and now get to watch the Sandhill cranes and there babies on my front much like the peafowl are they. They mate for life, usually only have one chick which, they coddle to the extreme.
love to the chicky fammer...gotta get him an Internation Havester!
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