We used to have two big Rhode Island Red roosters. We really didn't need two rooster, but I figured as long as the two boys were nice and didn't cause my family or the hens too much hassle then they could just do their thing. Well, a few weeks ago one of the roosters attacked Bella. It pecked a hole in her leg and left a huge bruise. Because both roosters are red, she couldn't tell me which one had done it. The offender got a temporary stay of execution because I didn't want to off the wrong rooster! About a week later, she got attacked again and that time I knew Mr. Evil had done the deed. He got locked up in the coop awaiting butchering day. Which finally came this past weekend.
Kendal got the honors of whacking his head off, mostly just because I couldn't bring myself to do it!
Once that was done, I plucked and dressed him. This was my first experience butchering a chicken all on my own. Honestly, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be! It was slow going as I fumbled around getting everything done. But I did a pretty darn good job of it if I do say so myself! Here are a few pictures.

This is poor Bella's leg a few weeks after the fact. It STILL has a red welt! Darned rotten rooster.

And here is Mr. Evil today enjoying his
nice hot bath! I figured I'd let him boil a while, then I'll make soup out of him. He's a little over a year old and should be pretty darn tough. Hopefully that'll be enough prep work to make him edible. He dressed out like a typical dual purpose yard bird... huge thighs, not much breast. He's boiling away as a type, sure smells good!
I tell you what, the other rooster has been mighty well behaved lately!!
Hey Liz! Jen in CA here and I just want to say, you are cracking me up! Poor Mr. Evil! DH and I are homesteading hopefuls, so reading your blog is fascinating...
Make me cry :-( OMG do you make beautiful babies! Naturally me eye was drawn first to Bella...her mothers clone! Then Magnut...Tommy all over again, then Soren...the cherub and no...Odin can not turn 11! I know here is a method in this blog madness of yours my child.. Break Grammy's heart:-( xoxoxo to the most beautiful babies on the planet!
Hi Elizabeth,
How ya going? Great photos of the kids. They bring back nice memories when I would take you four out for fun. Watching you romp around, laughing and playing always made me smile.
Hey, I receive Austin American Statesman news alerts and was alarmed to read about the severe thunderstorms that have whacked central Texas these last few days. I Hope the rain and 70 MPH wind gusts didn’t do any damage in your neck of the woods. When you live in Texas, you never say “no” to rain… but I am a bit concerned with the rain. I promise the next time I visit, I’ll get out there with the boys and trim up all those beautiful oaks and other fine trees on your property. We’ll get all the dead wood out. I’ll even trim the cedars… right down to ground level! How’s that?
I have received two inquires from companies in Australia, wondering as to my availability. What a temptation! Not only is work “down under” a pleasure, but life there is marvelous. If Americans really knew how great Australia is, we’d have a mass exodus. Right now, I want to stick to my current game plan. I just received my grades for this semester ending and I’m still earning honors (GPA 3.7). This summer session here, and the Fall semester in Charlotte, and all my PA program prerequisites will be met. Yippee! I’m considering application to a number of different PA programs. I’ll keep you posted.
Did you catch any of the World Database of Happiness ranking of the top 95 nations? Yep, Switzerland's citizens (virtually zero unemployment, with a very large and "wealthy" middle class that is prompt, polite, efficient and law-abiding) ranked their happiness quite high and came in number one. Totally laid-back Iceland came in second. Industrious Finland came in third. Australians scored their happiness highly based upon a robust economy and came in fifth. Conservative Sweden came in sixth. For the Scandinavian countries, the government's strong role in taking care of their citizens was a big factor. I imagine that was a factor for Australians as well, but it didn't say. The U.S. came in seventeenth. Detractors for Americans: Longest commutes to work and most time spend at work of any of the 95 nations polled. Gee, what a surprise!
As you may know, I listen to the Australian news live on the web. I just love that country, culture and government. Guess what a "big deal" is right now in the land down under? Well, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his new Labor government is deciding how best to return a $21.7 billion tax surplus to the people.
Yep. The economy has been doing so well that the unexpected tax dollars produced a huge surplus. Rather than spend it, the government will return it. What a wonderful concept! The question is who gets what? Labor obviously wants to give it to the poor, while the opposition wants to give it to the wealthier people who actually paid the taxes. The corporations are clearly out of the picture... Labor has always viewed industry as the "bad guy." Ah me, can you imagine having that problem in this country? With our spendthrift government, it would never happen. Clinton left Bush a small surplus, which he threw away. Now we're so far in debt... it will take generations to dig us out. What a mess...
While the Aussie economy is red hot and growing, ours is in recession. Oh, mind you, this is with an Aussie government that is pro-labor / anti-business and in a country where the average cost of a gallon of gas is US$6.50. I looked it up a few days ago and did all the conversions. Petrol has always been more expensive in Australia then here (it is twice as expensive in Europe). So, what is wrong with America? We have a pro-business government. Our energy costs are low and gasoline in the U.S. is cheap (only $4.00 a gallon)... Is all our current whining and crying about oil prices just an excuse for our country’s collective inability to get it right?
Thanks again for the photos. Good on you mate!
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