Just a few shots of the Freedom Rangers taken this morning. They are now 8 weeks 5 days old. A lot bigger than the little hatchlings they used to be, but no where near as big as I'd hoped they'd be at this age. I'm not sure if they are simply not liking the Texas heat or if they are just genetic duds! Maybe I had to high of expectations for them. At any rate, I don't think we're going to be butchering at 9.5 weeks as planned. I weighed a couple yesterday and they were between 4-5 lbs. Sure not big enough to make it worth butchering them. I'm guessing it'll be closer to 11-12 weeks. They better be a LOT bigger by then! I'm starting to think plain old Cornishxrocks don't sound so bad now.

Hi Elizabeth,
Those chicks grow up into chickens really fast, don’t they?
It might be the heat, but no worries… give it another month or two. Also, experiencing a winter will help fill them out. I wouldn’t worry about the heat, unless you know something else about it… I think those little dinosaurs do quite well in the heat. Count your blessing you’re in Texas where the winter will be mild. I don’t think they do as well in the colder climates.
I’m sure you’ll sort it out with a minimum of drama. In your opinion, is the Cornish-Rock really better then either the Cornish or the Plymouth Rock, separately? As I’ve long maintained, it’s hard to beat a Plymouth Barred Rock, which is my personal favorite. If I’m not mistaken, my Grandma Anderson had a number of Plymouth Rocks on her farm. Gosh, that sure takes me back a few years!
Liz, I miss your blog & pretty pics... how are things on the farm?
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