We made another trip to Sweet Berry Farms a couple weeks ago. We went with a friend and packed a pic-nic lunch. The kids had a blast picking strawberries and potatoes. They were totally amazed that you could pull up a plant... and along with the roots came potatoes! Beautiful red skin potatoes at that. I think they picked about 20 lbs. About 6lbs of strawberries and I brought home 3 yellow onions.
Here is Magnus with a bunch of potatoes:

Not to be outdone, here is Odin with a bunch of potatoes as well:

The farm has pic-nic benches set up in the shed. If you look in the background, you can see the chicken coop. The birds are very tame and such beggars! We sat down to eat and suddenly had a flock of very pretty (and fat) Rhode Island Red hens join us. Bella managed to catch one. Actually, I think the hen probably just walked up and hopped in her arms.

Here are the kids playing with the lady bug picture dealy. Silly kids... there's just no way to get a whole group of them to stick their head in a hole, hold still and smile for the camera. Oh well. I tried.

From left to right that's Soren, Odin on top, Bella below him, their friend Hunter and then Magnus.

And that was yet another fun filled trip to Sweet Berry! We're going back again real soon to pick black berries!
1 comment:
Hi Elizabeth,
What great photos of the kids out having fun. Please do take plenty of photos since the kids will grow up so fast. Before you know it, they leap from diapers right into wanting the keys to the car. Let me know when that happens and I'll be right down to show them how to ride a motorcycle... much better then a car.
Awhile back, I stopped at a farm just a mile or so from the house. The farmer just happened to be right there and I asked him if he had any pumpkins left. He did and after we talked a bit more, he just gave them to me.
When Karen had converted them into delicious pumpkin pies, I took half a pie back to the farm and gave it to the guy. He was really happy to get it.
So anyway, we share and share alike I guess. When I read your story and saw the photos, it reminded me of that event.
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