Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Taking the Plunge!

Well, I always thought this whole blog concept was kinda silly. I mean really, how egocentric can you get? Post your ramblings and think anyone else is going to want to read them? Then it occured to me... I always seem to have people asking me questions about what we're doing, how we're doing it, and of course... if I have pictures. Since I'm puttering along on the net at a smokin' 28.8K connection I thought a blog might actually present a practicle solution to my lack of time and lack of speed. I'm going to post all the happenings and pictures here in one spot, and anyone who's interested can come and look. Phew... finally... I only have to upload pictures once! Course, my ego can take it if no one gives a rats patoot and doesn't come visit. :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Here is one's "rat patoot." Even if no one comments, it is a great juronal for the babies. Lizbo I cannot express my amazement in you. If your life feels how it writes all is well. This is peace unknow to your Momma. I love you so sweetheart. Thank you for this precious insight to your daily life. xoxoxo Mom